HIA - Housing Industry Association
HIA stands for Housing Industry Association
Here you will find, what does HIA stand for in Non-Profit Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Housing Industry Association? Housing Industry Association can be abbreviated as HIA What does HIA stand for? HIA stands for Housing Industry Association. What does Housing Industry Association mean?Housing Industry Association is an expansion of HIA
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Alternative definitions of HIA
- Hemp Industries Association
- Hobby Industry Association
- Health Insurance Associate
- Health Information Administration
- Hobby Industries Association
- Hostelling International - Austin
- Hamad International Airport
- Hayah International Academy
View 65 other definitions of HIA on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- HACC Hyundai Auto Canada Corp.
- HIE Highlands and Islands Enterprise
- HALLC HAL Leonard Corporation
- HLF Heritage Lottery Fund
- HMSA Hitachi Medical Systems America
- HBA Hawkins Brown Architects
- HC The Hertz Corporation
- HFSPL Hindustan Field Services Pvt Ltd
- HCH Henry County Hospital
- HPP Hit Promotional Products
- HBC Hensley Beverage Company
- HCC Holmes Community College
- HH Help at Home
- HCI Home City Ice
- HCAEFD HCA East Florida Division
- HGI Haas Group International
- HEDJWS Higher Education Division of John Wiley and Sons
- HIP Hydro Is Partner
- HAR Helen Adams Realty